the association to advance collegiate schools of business (aacsb) officially notified on february 21, 2023 that the school of business and management (sem) at southwest jiaotong university (swjtu) has been voted by the aacsb initial accreditation committee (iac) to get five-year aacsb business accreditation.

(aacsb official announcement)
aacsb accreditation is recognized as the oldest and most valuable business school overall accreditation in the international business education accreditation system, which is an important symbol of talent cultivation and education level of a business school reaching the international high level. through nearly 10-year’s joint effort in pursuing excellence and continuous improvement, sem has established a sustainable governance system that meets the standards of international business education. obtaining aacsb accreditation is an important achievement of sem’s international strategy and another milestone. it is of great importance to sem to enter the international advanced business management system, further improve the management level, and enhance the international impact of sem and swjtu.
sem passed the eligibility application in early 2017, and entered the accreditation visit process in 2022 after initial self-evaluation report (iser), progress report and self-evaluation report (ser) being accepted by iac successively. during november 13-16, peer review team (prt) chaired by robin gauld (honorary pro-vice chancellor and dean of business school at university of otago), yan xiangbin (vice president of university of science and technology beijing), and feng gengzhong (dean of the school of management at xi’an jiaotong university) carefully reviewed and verified the materials provided in the online baseroom and conducted online interview with the representatives from swjtu and sem. swjtu president yang dan, vice president liu changjun, director of office of swjtu international cooperation and exchange ma lei, sem leadership, faculty, staff and student representatives participated the interview.

(aacsb online visit)
peer review team affirmed the strong support from swjtu leadership and sem leadership in pursuing aacsb accreditation, and gave positive comments on the efforts and achievements made in teaching, research, curriculum development and student learning. president yang expressed gratitude for constructive suggestions from the prt and indicated that sem would carefully review the issues raised by the prt and continue to make improvement under the 2020 aacsb standards.

(aacsb accreditation visit)
[about aacsb]
aacsb is a non-profit organization founded in 1916 by the business schools of harvard university, columbia university, northwestern university, university of chicago, university of pennsylvania, and yale university. it is committed to improving the higher education level of business schools through strict measurement standards and standardized management system. currently, less than 6 percent of the world's business schools are accredited by aacsb.