academic engagement (representative) |
publications |
[1] jiqian wang, feng ma, m.i.m. wahab, dengshi huang. forecasting china's crude oil futures volatility: the role of the jump, jumps intensity, and leverage effect. journal of forecasting, 2021, 40(5): 921-941. [2] wang lu, huang dengshi, ma feng, et al. the impact of major emergency on international foreign exchange markets: the case of britain vote to leave the eu in the referendum. mathematical statistics and management ,2020, 39(01): 174-190. [3] yanyan xu, dengshi huang, feng ma, et al. liquidity and realized range-based volatility forecasting: evidence from china. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, 2019, 525: 1102-1113. [4] yanyan xu, dengshi huang, feng ma, et al. the heterogeneous impact of liquidity on volatility in chinese stock index futures market. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, 2019, 517: 73-85. [5] yongsheng yi, feng ma, dengshi huang, et al. interest rate level and stock return predictability. review of financial economics, 2019, 37(4): 506-522. [6] yongsheng yi, feng ma, yaojie zhang, dengshi huang. forecasting stock returns with cycle-decomposed predictors. international review of financial analysis, 2019, 64: 250-261. [7] chen nian, lin yu, huang dengshi, et al. forecasting of structure breakthrough points in brent crude oil futures market. journal of system management, 2019, 28(06): 1095-1105. [8] huang dengshi, wang hui. star market: a new institutional supply. theoretical discussion, 2019, (05): 117-122. [9] zhang xi, huang dengshi, dong zhankui. an experiment study on the effect of information asymmetry on trust behavior in the social network. journal of systems management, 2019, 28(02): 269-276. [10] chunghua shen, xingyu fan, dengshi huang, hongquan zhu, mengwen wu. financial development and economic growth: do outliers matter? emerging markets finance and trade, 2018, 54(13): 2925-2947. [11] feng ma, yaojie zhang, dengshi huang, xiaodong lai. forecasting oil futures price volatility: new evidence from realized range-based volatility. energy economics, 2018, 75: 400-409. [12] feng ma, yu wei, li liu, dengshi huang. forecasting realized volatility of oil futures market: a new insight. journal of forecasting, 2018, 37(4): 419-436. [13] yaojie zhang, feng ma, benshan shi, dengshi huang. forecasting the prices of crude oil: an iterated combination approach. energy economics, 2018, 70: 472-483. [14] yongsheng yi, feng ma, yaojie zhang, dengshi huang. forecasting the prices of crude oil using the predictor, economic and combined constraints. economic modelling, 2018, 75: 237-245. [15] huang dengshi, huang yushun, zhou jianan. does controlling shareholder's share pledge affect the firm's decision on large stock dividends? journal of management science, 2018, 21(12): 18-36 94. [16] huang dengshi, xu wei, yang hui. study on the influence of political connections and institutional shareholdings on top manager turnover. soft science, 2018, 32(10): 80-83. [17] wang lu, huang dengshi, qiao gaoxiu, et al. does the us stock market affect the dependence of bric stock markets? linear and nonlinear conditional granger causality analysis. systems engineering, 2018, 36(05): 13-22. [18] yin jiankang, chen changhua, huang dengshi. innovation design of inkjet system in cigarette sorting operation based on triz theory. packaging engineering, 2018, 39(09): 108-113. [19] feng ma, jing liu, dengshi huang, et al. forecasting the oil futures price volatility: a new approach. economic modelling, 2017, 64: 560-566. [20] feng ma, m.i.m.wahab, dengshi huang, et al. forecasting the realized volatility of the oil futures market: a regime switching approach. energy economics, 2017, 67: 136-145. [21] huang dengshi, zhang xi, dong zhankui. experimental study of trust and trustworthiness in multi-agent network. journal of management science, 2017, 20(05): 1-12. [22] ma feng, wei yu, huang dengshi. forecasting the realized volatility based on the signed return and signed jump variation. journal of management science, 2017, 20(10): 31-43. [23] zhang xi, huang dengshi, dong zhankui. interpersonal relationships and trust: a trust experiment in social network. statistics and decision, 2017, (13): 72-75. [24] zhang xi, huang dengshi. a review of experimental research on loss aversion from decision-maker perspective. journal of southwest jiaotong university (social science edition), 2017, 18(01): 91-96. |