academic engagement (representative) |
publications |
[1] dai yang, zhang xinxin, yang junjie. identification of systemically important equity pledged listed companies: the systematic risk contribution perspective of equity pledge default. journal of system management, 2021, 30(03): 473-480. [2] mingnian wang, guanfeng yan, li yu, wenqiang xie, yang dai. effects of different artificial oxygen-supply systems on migrants’ physical and psychological reactions in high-altitude tunnel construction. building and environment, 2019, 149: 458-467. [3] wei wang, yuanhui ma, yang dai, et al. containing misinformation spreading in temporal social networks. chaos: an interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science, 2019, 29(12): 123131. [4] yang dai, jianhua zhang, wei wang. interconnecting strategy of bridging multilayer networks to maximize synchronizability. epl (europhysics letters), 2019, 125(1): 18003. [5] zhen sua, xiaohui mu, yang dai, et al. defectors for high degree with adaptive interactions. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, 2019, 527: 121132. [6] ying cui, meng cai, yang dai, et al. a hybrid network-based method for the detection of disease-related genes. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, 2018, 492: 389-394. [7] qi jian, dai yang. research on equity crowdfunding financing model under blockchain technology. economic research guide, 2018, (17): 151-152. [8] qi jian, dai yang. development and regulatory analysis of crowdfunding financing. economic research guide, 2018, (14): 138-139. [9] xin yuan, yang dai, eugene stanley, shlomo havlin. k-core percolation on complex networks: comparing random, localized, and targeted attacks. physical review e, 2016, 93(6): 062302. [10] jianhua zhang, funian hu, yang dai, yixing wang. structural vulnerability and intervention of high-speed railway networks. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications. 2016, 462: 743-751. [11] cheng xian, stephen liao, yiteng xu, zhongsheng hua, yang dai. contagion in a financial system. the 24th international conference on information systems development, 2015. [12] jianhua zhang, yang dai, kuansheng zou, bo song, zhaojun zhang. vulnerability analysis of the us power grid based on local load-redistribution. safety science, 2015, 8: 156-162. [13] yang dai, xiaohong tang. cascading failure model of complex networks based on the idle capacity. the 9th complex network conference of china, 2014. [14] yang dai, xiaohong tang. design of flexible manufacturing system under personalized product demand. the 9th complex network conference of china, 2013. |
projects |
[1] special demonstration technical service for the disaster prevention, evacuation and rescue design scheme of the newly built shanghai-chongqing-chengdu high-speed railway shanghai-hefei chongtai yangtze river tunnel. project source: china railway design group co., ltd. (project no.: none). march 2021—march 2021. investigator. [2] research on key technologies for the construction of v-shaped longitudinal slope bifurcation and extra-long highway tunnels in the ix degree earthquake area. project source: sichuan highway and bridge construction group co., ltd. survey and design branch (project no.: none). february 2021-february 2021. investigator. [3] research on disaster prevention, evacuation and rescue system of altitude complex environment tunnel. project source: china railway design group co., ltd. (project no.: r110120h01309). april 2020-august 2022. investigator. [4] long-term monitoring study of xiamen east passage (xiang'an tunnel). 2020. investigator. [5] virtual simulation experiment project of enterprise operation management under production and marketing collaboration mode. sichuan provincial education department project (project no.: none). september 2019-september 2024. principal investigator. [6] ministry of education industry-university cooperation collaborative education project: practice conditions and practice base construction project——xindaoyun marketing practice teaching base. other vertical projects (project no.: wq111020o01001). january 2019-december 2020. principal investigator. [7] research and development of virtual simulation experiment project of enterprise operation management in a shared environment. school-level scientific research project ((project no.: none). january 2019-december 2019. principal investigator. [8] research on key technologies for disaster prevention, evacuation and rescue design of high-altitude, large-slope, and ultra-long deep-buried tunnels (groups) on sichuan-tibet railway. project source: china railway eryuan engineering group co., ltd. (project no.: r110120h01465). april 2019-september 2021. investigator. [9] research on systemic risk of financial system based on network perspective. national science fund for distinguished young scholars (project no.: 2017g01145). january 2018-december 2020. investigator. [10] research on behavior and information dissemination on social networks. sichuan provincial education department project (project no.: 2018s310087). 2018 april month-april 2020. principal investigator. [11] key technologies for the construction of new cold-proof drainage system for tunnels in cold regions. project source: china railway tunnel group no. 1 co., ltd. geku railway xinjiang s6 standard project headquarters (project no.: r110120h01297). january 2018-december 2019. investigator. [12] research on fire resistance of shared structures for urban tunnels, rail transit, and integrated pipe gallery. project source: powerchina east china survey and design institute co., ltd. (project no.: 2018h010220). september 2017-june 2019. investigator. |