[1] jiejiang county "fourteenth five-year plan" preparation project. horizontal subject. march 2021-december 2021. investigator. [2] pingan securities big data listed company network graph database and deeply mining stock price change correlation project. project source: guangzhou haijie computer technology co., ltd. (project no.: 2018h010171). june 2017-october 2017. principle investigator. [3] pingan securities artificial intelligence cooperation project. project source: guangzhou haijie computer technology co., ltd. (project no.: none). june 2017. principle investigator. [4] puyi standard - bank financial ability data analysis project, 2016.12-2017.9, principal investigator. [5] an empirical study of the influence of entrepreneurial mentors' guiding behaviors on entrepreneurial performance in chinese context. nssfc project (project no.: 16cgl006). june 2016-june 2019. principle investigator. [6] research on integrated learning model of network targeted advertising accurate communication under the background of big data. nsfc project (project no.: 71572156). january 2016-december 2018. principle investigator. [7] research on the measurement, composition and consumption characteristics of china's emerging middle class in the transition period. nsfc project (project no.: 20130184120018). january 2015-december 2017. principle investigator. |