教育背景:2020年毕业于清华大学,获管理学博士学位 2015年毕业于四川大学,获管理学硕士学位 2011年毕业于重庆大学,获经济学学士学位。 社会活动及兼职:是美国管理学年会(aom)会员,多本ssci期刊审稿人 个人介绍: 一、科学研究: 1.期刊类 [1] pan, x., chen, x*., & ning, l. (2017). why do inconsistencies occur? detangling the relationship between technological diversification and performance in chinese firms. asian journal of technology innovation, 25(3), 407-427. [2] pan, x., chen, x*., & ning, l. (2018). the roles of macro and micro institutions in corporate social responsibility (csr) evidence from listed firms in china. management decision, 56(5), 955-971. [3] pan, x., chen, x*., & ning, l. (2018). exploitative technological diversification, environmental contexts, and firm performance. management decision, 56(7), 1613-1629. [4] pan, x., chen, x*., & li, x. (2019). to fit in or stand out? how optimal distinctiveness in technological diversification affects firm performance. european management journal, 37(1), 67-77. [5] pan, x., chen, x*., sinha p., dong, n., (2020). are firms with state ownership greener? an institutional complexity view. business strategy and the environment, 29:197-211. [6]陈轩瑾,解峰, &窦天芳. (2018).替代效应还是互补效应?——商业化知识生产对学术知识生产的影响.技术经济, 37(10), 91-97. [7]蒋为, &陈轩瑾. (2015).外包是否影响了中国制造业企业的研发创新——基于微观数据的实证研究.国际贸易问题(5), 92-102. [8]陈轩瑾, &王元地. (2014).主要创新型国家在华创新舞台上的专利申请态势及其演化——基于1985—2011年发明专利数据的分析.科技管理研究(16), 131-135. [9]陈轩瑾,王元地, &金珺. (2014).基于专利面板数据的开发-探索关系演化分析.情报杂志(3), 33-38. [10]陈轩瑾,王元地, &屈锡华. (2014).自主创新政策实施背景下中国科技面貌的国际比较.科技管理研究, 34(13), 20-25. 注:*是通讯作者 2.论文集 [1] chen, x. & li, x. the impact of commercial knowledge on the quantity and quality of research output [c]. international schumpeter society,2018.(会议论文) [2] chen, x., pan, x., & guo h. 2018. the dark side of corporate social responsibility (csr): expropriation of minority shareholders [c]. the academy of management best paper proceedings, 2018.(会议论文) [3] chen, x. & li, x. the impact of contract research on the research output: evidence from china [c]. the academy of management best paper proceedings, 2019.(会议论文) 二、主持或参与科研项目: [1]我国科研合作网络的演化机制及其影响,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019/01-2022/12,主研. [2]碳锁定形成机理及解锁路径研究,国家社会科学基金青年项目,2015/01-2017/12,主研. [3]企业外部技术搜寻的平衡机制及其对绩效的影响研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2014/01-2016/12,主研. |