


来源:副教授,硕导   作者:  日期:2018年10月13日  点击数:
姓   名 卢朝阳                       系别 信息系统与运营管理系                      

职务/职称 副教授,硕导                       研究方向 交通规划与管理、交通优化、道路收费
学历 博士                       政治面貌 群众                      








2021.12-至今  西南交通大学经济管理学院,副教授

2018.03-2021.12, 西南交通大学经济管理学院,讲师。

2017.02-2018.02, 新加坡国立大学,海事研究中心,任职博士后。







[1] lu, zhaoyang, meng, qiang*, impacts of pavement deterioration and maintenance cost on pareto-efficient contracts for highway franchising [j], transportation research part e: logistics and transportation review, 2018, 113: 1-21.

[2] meng, qiang, lu, zhaoyang*, quantitative analyses of highway franchising under build-operate-transfer scheme: overview and future research directions [j], transportation research part b: methodological, 2017, 102: 105-123.

[3] lu, zhaoyang, meng, qiang *, analysis of optimal bot highway capacity and economic toll adjustment provisions under traffic demand uncertainty [j], transportation research part e: logistics and transportation review, 2017, 100:17-37.

[4] lu, zhaoyang, meng, qiang*, gomes, gabriel, estimating link travel time functions for heterogeneous traffic flows on freeways [j], journal of advanced transportation, 2016, 50: 1683-1698.

[5] lu, zhaoyang, kang, liujiang, meng, qiang*. determination of minimum distance to obstacle avoidance in the singapore strait [j], transportation research record, 2018, doi: 10.1177/0361198118794056.

[6] meng, qiang*, lu, zhaoyang, determinants of certificate of entitlement premium for cars under vehicle quota system in singapore [j], journal of the eastern asia society for transportation studies, 2015, 11: 126-140.

[7] lu, zhaoyang, kang, liujiang, meng, qiang*. impact analysis of large ships on shipping traffic capacity of the singapore strait [c], 97th transportation research board (trb) annual meeting, washington d.c, 2018.

[8] meng, qiang*, lu, zhaoyang, impact analysis of public transport services on housing and development board house resale prices in singapore [c], 93th transportation research board (trb) annual meeting, washington d.c, 2014.

[9] lu, zhaoyang*, meng, qiang, analysis of traffic speed-density regression models -a case study of two roadway traffic flows in china [c], proceedings of the eastern asia society for transportation studies, 2013, 9: 9-12.

[10] lu, zhaoyang, sun, huijun, wu, jianjun, road pricing under mixed equilibrium behaviors on urban congested networks [c], fourth international joint conference on computational sciences and optimization, 2011, 1095-1099.


  • 三、主持或参与科研项目:

  • 1bot模式下城际高速公路的选址及收费策略研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,718011812019.01-2021.1220万元,在研,主持。

  • 2基于交通出行数据的可持续道路网络设计与投融资分析,国家自然科学基金面上项目,71871037, 2019.01-2022.12, 49万元,在研,主研。

  • 3impact analysis of large ships on ship traffic in the straits of malacca and singapore2016.12-2018.07,新加坡基金项目,经费58.2万新币,已结题,主研。

  • 4form safety assessment for ship traffic in port waters project2014.7-2014.10,经费 21万新币,新加坡基金项目,已结题,研究助理。




