


来源:副教授,博导   作者:  日期:2018年07月04日  点击数:
姓   名 徐进                       系别 信息系统与运营管理系                                            
职务/职称 副教授,博导                       研究方向 信息管理;智能交通;项目管理;大数据分析与人工智能                       
学历 博士                       政治面貌 中共党员                      
电子邮箱 xj_james@126.com                      





2.ieee intelligent transportation systems society member










4.担任ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems、tourism management等国际一流学术期刊的审稿专家。


[1] long liu, jin xu*, stephen s. y. liao, and huaping chen. a real-time personalized route recommendation system for self-drive tourists based on vehicle to vehicle communication [j]. expert systems with applications. volume 41, issue 7, 1 june 2014, pages 3409–3417, doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2013.11.035 (sci 2区 in operations research & management science)

[2] jiadong zhang, jin xu*, and stephen s. y. liao. aggregating and sampling methods for processing gps data streams for traffic state estimation [j]. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 2013, volume: 14 ,issue: 4, page(s): 1629 - 1641, doi: 10.1109/tits.2013.2264753 (sci 1区, top1 in civil engineering, top2 in transportation science & technology)

[3] jiadong zhang, jin xu, and stephen s. y. liao. sampling methods for summarizing unordered vehicle-to-vehicle data streams [j]. transportation research part c: emerging technologies. volume 23, august 2012, pages 56–67, doi:10.1016/j.trc.2011.11.009 (sci, top7 in transportation science & technology)

[4] jin xu, zheng li, shuliang li, yanyan zhang. a framework for extracting and representing project knowledge contexts using topic models and dynamic knowledge maps [c]. 2015 7th international conference on digital image processing.(ei)

[5] jin xu, karaleise johnson-wahrmann, shuliang li. the development, status and trends of recommender systems: a comprehensive and critical literature review [c]. in: proceedings of mathematics and computers in sciences and industry (mcsi 2014), 13th-15th september 2014, varna, black sea, bulgaria. europment book series, pp. 117-122. isbn 9781618042477.

[6] jin xu, jing zhu, stephen s. y. liao. organizational context in information systems research: perspectives and components. international conference on management and service science (mass), 12-14 aug. 2011, doi: 10.1109/icmss.2011.5999093. (ei&istp)

[7] jin xu, zhe xu, jiangen xiong, congrong li. research on the application and development of simulation teaching for the economics and management courses. proceedings of the 2011 international conference on education science and management engineering (esme 2011), august 16-18, 2011. (istp)

[8] jin xu, stephen s.y. liao. organizational context components in information systems research a literature review. international conference on engineering and business management (ebm), mar 25-27, 2010. (istp)

[9] jiadong zhang, jin xu, chen zhu, wei wang, liao, s.s.. constructing summarizations for v2v traffic data based on sampling methods. ieee vehicular networking conference (vnc), 13-15 dec. 2010, pp139-143, inspec accession number: 11763837, digital object identifier: 10.1109/vnc.2010.5698251. (ei&inspec)

[10] kaiquan xu, jin xu, long liu, and et al. predict market share with users’ online activities data: an initial study on market share and search index of mobile phone. the pacific asia conference on information systems (pacis), june 9-12, 2010, pp627-633

[11] 徐进, 朱菁. 国外项目知识管理研究进展 [j]. 情报杂志, 2010, 29(4):106-110. (cssci)

[12] 徐进, 周国华, 武振业. 国内项目知识管理研究进展 [j]. 世界科技研究与发展, 2010, 32(5):715-718. (cscd)

[13] 徐进, 朱菁. 国内外知识情境研究综述 [j]. 情报杂志, 2009, 28(3):23-26. (cssci)


1. 项目知识情境提取与展现方法研究:基于主题模型和知识地图的大数据视角,国家自然科学基金,2015-2018,71472158,主持

2. 面向大数据的商务分析与计算方法以及支撑平台研究, 国家自然科学基金重大项目:大数据环境下的商务管理-课题五,2015-2019,71490725,主研

3. 具备情境感知特性的项目知识推荐系统方法研究,国家自然科学基金,2011-2013,71002064,主持

4. 京沪高速铁路建设项目质量管理体系及风险控制技术研究,铁道部科技研究开发计划重大课题,2008-2010,2008z019,主研(3/6)

5. 四川省煤炭产业集团有限责任公司管理信息化系统项目咨询服务,横向,2006-2009,主研(2/5)

6. 四川省地方铁路局(四川铁路集团)管理信息化系统项目咨询服务,横向,2006-2009,主研(2/4)

7. draft for intelligent transportation systems architecture and standards of hong kong, transport department of hong kong sar government, 2011-2015, sub-consultant of agreement no. ce1/2011 (tt): traffic incident management system, draftsman

8. intelligent transportation systems: vehicle-to-vehicle-based mobile-vehicle integration technology and applications, hong kong innovation & technology commission, hong kong sar government, 2010~2012, hkd4,100,000, innovation & technology funds project reference: itp/036/10ap, investigator

9. a technological platform for traffic information collection and integration, hong kong innovation & technology commission, hong kong sar government, 2009~2011, hkd3,349,180, innovation & technology funds project reference: itp/039/09ap, sra

10. intelligent transportation system: mobile vehicle technology application, hong kong innovation & technology commission, hong kong sar government, 2009~2010, hkd3,352,529, innovation & technology funds project reference: itp/021/09ap, sra



