教育背景: 2009年毕业于上海交通大学,获工学博士学位。 社会活动及兼职: 国际权威学术期刊《scientific reports》、《physica a》、《iet control theory & applications》、《physical rerview e》等同行评议专家,国家自然科学基金函评专家,四川省科技厅和成都市科技局项目评审专家。 个人介绍: 一、工作经历 2009年7月到西南交通大学经济管理学院任教,作为“引进人才”破格晋升为副教授。 2012年7月-11月,香港城市大学高级研究助理; 2013年7-8月,美国乔治梅森大学学术交流; 2015.8-2016.8,美国波士顿大学访问学者; 2018.1-2018.3,美国夏威夷大学访问学者。 二、科学研究: (一)文献及获奖情况概述: 在国内外学术期刊和会议发表20余篇论文,学术论文“complete stability analysis of linear neutral time-delay systems with multiple commensurate delays”,获得2009年中国控制与决策会议“张嗣瀛优秀青年论文奖”。 (二)代表专著及论文 1.期刊类 [1]dai yang, zhang jianhua & wang wei. interconnecting strategy of bridging multilayer networks to maximize synchronizability[j]. europhysics letters, 2019,vol.125(1): 18003. (sci) [2] su zhen , mu xiaohui, dai yang & li huijia.defectors for high degree with adaptive interactions[j].physica a, 2019, vol. 52, 121132. (ssci/sci) [3] cui ying, cai meng, dai yang, stanley h. eugene. a hybrid network-based method for the detection of disease-related genes. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications (2018) vol.492, pp.389-394. [4] yuan xin, dai yang, stanley h. eugene & havlin, shlomo. k-core percolation on complex networks: comparing random, localized, and targeted attacks. physical review e, 2016, vol.93(6): 062302 (sci) [5] zhang jianhua , hu funian, wang shuliang, dai yang & wang yixing.structural vulnerability and intervention of high speed railway networks[j].physica a,2016, vol.462, pp. 743-751. (sci) [6]zhang jianhua, zou kuansheng, song bo, zhang zhaojun & dai yang. vulnerability analysis of the us power grid based on local load-redistribution [j]. safety science, 2015, vol. 80: 156~162 (sci) [7] li jin, wang jidong, dai yang, wu huaping & dong wei. a simulation study for emergency/disaster management by applying complex networks theory[j]. journal of applied research and technology, 2014, vol.12, no.2, pp.223-229. (sci). [8] dai yang, cai yunzei & xu xiaoming. synchronization analysis and impulsive control of complex networks with coupling delays[j]. iet control theory & applications, 2009, vol.3, pp.1167-1174. (sci) [9] dai yang, cai yunzei & xu xiaoming. synchronization and exponential estimates of complex dynamical networks with mixed time-varying coupling delays[j]. international journal of automation and computing, 2009, vol.6, no.3, pp.301-307. (sci) [10] dai yang, cai yunzei & xu xiaoming. global synchronization of generalized complex networks with mixed coupling delays[j]. lecture notes of the institute for computer sciences, social informatics and telecommunications engineering, 2009, vol. 4, pp.1001-1010. (ei) [11] dai yang, cai yunzei & xu xiaoming. synchronization of complex networks with time-varying coupling delay via impulsive control[j]. lecture notes of the institute for computer sciences, social informatics and telecommunications engineering, 2009, vol. 4, pp. 912-923. (ei) [12] dai yang, cai yunzei & xu xiaoming. synchronization criteria for complex dynamical networks with neutral-type coupling delay[j]. physica a, 2008, vol.387, pp.4673-4682. (ssci/sci) [13]高守玮,戴杨,刘媛媛.对于neh启发式方法搜索邻域的研究[j].控制工程, 2008, vol.15, no.2 , pp.217-219.(中文核心) [14]高守玮,刘媛媛,戴杨,路径和下界公式及其在调度问题中的应用[j].计算机仿真, 2008, vol.25, no.3, pp.195-198.(中文核心) 2.论文集 [1] dai yang, cai yunzei & xu xiaoming. complete stability analysis of linear neutral time-delay systems with multiple commensurate delays[c]. the 2009 chinese control and decision conference, pp. 117-121. [2]戴杨,唐小虹.个性化产品需求情况下柔性生产系统的确定[c].第九届全国复杂网络大会, 2013. [3] li jin, cheng xian, & dai yang. a simulation study for emergency/disaster management by applying complex networks theory. international conference on logistics, informatics and service science, 2013. [4] li jin, cheng xian, dai yang,wu huaping, dong wei & stephen liao shaoyi (2013). “use of complex networks theory in emergency/disaster management” 3rd international conference on logistics, informatics and service science, 2013. [5] cheng xian, liao shaoyi stephen, dong wei, dai yang & yang xiaolu. focusing on centrality measure in emergency medical service[c].the 18th pacific asia conference on information systems. 2014 [6]戴杨,唐小虹.复杂网络上基于边的空闲容量相继故障模型[c].第十届全国复杂网络大会, 2014. 3.学位论文 [1]戴杨.耦合时滞复杂网络的同步性研究[d].上海:上海交通大学自动化系, 2009 三、主持或参与科研项目: [1]关联服务网络的连锁故障机理与防御策略研究,国家自然科学基金项,2013.1-2015.12,22万,项目编号:71201132,主持 [2]关联基础设施网络的相继失效与抗毁性研究,教育部博士点基金项目,2013.1-2015,4万,项目编号:120120184120025,主持 [3]复杂服务网络系统分析,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金青年教师百人计划项目,2011.1-2013.12,3万,项目编号:swjtu11br073,主持 [4]网络谣言的扩散机理与治理研究,四川省教育厅人文社会科学重点研究基地,2014.3-2015.3,0.4万,项目编号:wlwh13-27,主持 [5]资源约束下的资源型城市产业发展高级化路径和模式,四川省教育厅人文社会科学重点研究基地,2014.11-2015.11,0.4万,项目编号:zyzx-yb-1302,主持 [6]安全视角下关联基础设施网络的发展战略研究研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金科技创新项目,2014.1-2015.12,5万,项目编号:2682014cx11,主持 [7]网络环境下服务参与者行为和服务策略研究,国家自然科学基金重大项目,2011.1-2014.12, 200万,项目编号:71090402,主研 [8]社会网络上的行为和信息传播问题研究,四川省教育厅人文社会科学重点研究基地, 2019.1-2020.12, 0.4万,项目编号:wlwh18-31,主持 四、教学概况: (1)管理学原理,本科 (2)服务营销,本科 (3)生产管理学,本科 (4)运作与服务管理,硕士 (5) services marketing,硕士和留学生 (6)优化与仿真技术,硕士 (7)运作与服务前沿,博士 |